In this article we're going to look at some simple ways you can use the wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields hook to add your own custom fields to menu items.
WordPress offers a filter, wp_nav_menu_items, to change the content of a WordPress menu. The filter has two arguments, the menu items as a string, and an array ...
評分 4.8 (43) · 免費 Dynamic menus: List all posts from a category in your menu. Also works for tags, custom taxonomies as well as pages and custom post types.
Navigate to Appearance → Editor. Create or adjust your menu using the Navigation block. If you do not see Editor under Appearance, click Menus or Customize → ... Create a Menu · Add Links to a Menu · Reorder Menu Items · Menus
You can insert dynamic elements into the default menu structure through the various filter hooks available in wp_nav_menu() source code. Peruse the source code ...
I need to provide some custom menu items in a plugin. I mean people can go to dashboard > appearance > menus and add this custom menu item to ...
Simply go to the Appearance » Menus page and add a custom link with # sign as the URL, and the text you want to display as your Link Text. Add a search popup to your... · Add custom text to a...